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Squid ( Kanava )  is a good source of vitamin B12 and B6 which the body needs for neural health and blood health and vitamin B6 for heart protection from strokes. Squid has Selenium and Vitamin E. Selenium, which is present in a minute quantity in the body, works with vitamin E in the promotion of normal body growth and fertility.

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Seafood, edible aquatic animals, excluding mammals, but including both freshwater and ocean creatures. Most nontoxic aquatic species are exploited for food by humans.
Fish and other seafood may be humanity’s most important food, after cereals, furnishing about 15 percent of the world population’s protein intake. Lean fish muscle provides 18–25 percent protein by weight, the equivalent of beef or poultry, but is much lower in calories. In fish one gram of protein is present for 4 to 10 calories, as contrasted with 10–20 calories per protein gram for lean meats and up to 30 for fatty meats.

Fish are cooked whole or cut into steaks, fillets, or chunks. Crustaceans are usually cooked whole, alive, as are most mollusks. Larger, tougher mollusks are ground or sliced and pounded to tenderize the tough flesh. Much seafood is eaten uncooked, either completely raw or somewhat modified by margination.


1/2 KG, 1 KG, 1.5 KG, 2 KG